With this Rejuvenate Stainless Steel Scratch Eraser Kit you'll never have to live with abused and scratched up stainless steel appliances ever again. Common problems with Stainless steel appliances, sinks and grills include scratches, chemical stains, and. Buy Scratch-B-Gone Stainless Steel Scratch Repair Kit: Disc Repair Kits. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Scratch-B-Gone. I just found a product called Scratch-B-Gone and it removed all the.
I took the kit I bought from Home Depot to my parent's house and used it . I plan to try the SBG if I see it in Home Depot the next time I am there.
As the manufacturer and creator of the Scratch-B-Gone kit for Stainless steel, our . SCRATCH-B-GONE I recently visited a Home Depot store and found a product that was specifically for taking scratches out of. Apparently they can also be used for removing scratches on stainless steel kitchen appliances and pots and pans. Siege Stainless Steel Scratch Remover - Gracious Home $15.
Restore Solutions says its product, Scratch-B-Gone, is the first of its kind. Relateds: Does Scratch B Gone Work Scratch B Gone Retailers. Scratch B Gone Kit Home Depot Glass Scratch Remover Scratch Markers Home Depot .