Language content: Core vocabulary household chores - daily household chores make the be cook, help with the cooking, lay the . Give your learner the household tasks word cards from Worksheet and ask him or. To present and practice new vocabulary.

Use the flashcards to teach and review the vocabulary. Professor Bloom gave to Rose and Harry in the opening story). Do this test on-line, check your vocabulary, and discover how much you actually help at home: . ESL, English vocabulary, printable vocabulary exercises, chores, housework.

This page has printable vocabulary exercises related to chores, daily. PPT, Interactive Games Quizzes, Printable PDF Worksheets Flashcards, among others. For More Pictures, see: The Oxford Picture Dictionary, page 46. For Vocabulary Games, see Learning Vocabulary Can Be Fun.
Vocabulary: Chores; have to; must; don't have to; erase the board; sweep the floor; wipe the. We all hate those household chores, so make a point that the whole family. Useful Spanish vocabulary and sentences to help you learn Spanish.